Student 保险 Policies

Intercollegiate ag娱乐官网 保险

This program covers students involved in the practice or play of intercollegiate athletics. Like the base policy, this one is also secondary to any other valid and collectible insurance that may be in place for a student. 例如, if they have coverage under their parents' plan then this plan will pay for certain costs that the parental plan might not cover.

All athletes are automatically included in this program. It is paid by the college, so no extra fee is applied to the student account. 

点击 在这里 for program details. 

Catastrophic Sports Injury 保险

This program coveres up to $10 million for specified medical services for intercollegiate athletes, or $5 million for intramural or club sports athletes, in case of a medical loss which exceeds $25,000.

This program is automatic for all covered participants, and no extra fee is applied to the student account. 

Program details will be provided on a case-by-case basis when the coverage is triggered. 

NOTE: The ag娱乐官网/Sports insurance programs remain in effect. See boxes below for further particulars about the discontinued student insurance programs. 

We sincerely regret that no tenable option was available to sustain the general 学生事故 & Sickness 保险 program. 

学生事故 & Sickness 保险
NOTE: Effective for Fall of 2013 and beyond, this program has been discontinued due to provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how its governing regulations apply to higher education. Students are encouraged to ensure that they are included on parental policies w在这里 possible, or to obtain personal coverage in compliance with the ACA requirement of medical insurance for all US adults. The Student Health Fee for Fall 2013 and beyond has been reduced accordingly. 

This modest and supplemental program was essentially a "safety net," designed to enable a student who encounters a significant but not catastrophic medical loss to not have to interrupt their college education due to the cost of that care (up to $25,000 in covered benefits). It had not been intended to serve as a full-fledged personal health insurance plan. It had been secondary to any other valid and collectible insurance that may have been in place for a student. 例如, if they had coverage under their parents' plan then this plan will would have paid for certain costs that the parental plan might not cover. 

All students had been required to participate in the program, and the premium was included in the Health Fee applied to each student's account.

The college's Health Center staff provided forms and guidance for students in processing claims covered by all college-provided policies.

点击 在这里 for details regarding claims under the former program. 

Extended Coverage for Summers & 毕业生
NOTE: Effective for Fall of 2013 (starting 8/6/13) and beyond, this program has been discontinued. See above box for further particulars. 

Summer participation was optional for students enrolled at Westmont for the following fall semester, except for Mayterm students who were automatically covered for the entire summer.

Graduated students were able to enroll for a single term following their graduation in order to help them make a transition to their own independent (or employer sponsored) health insurance program.